
I was walking through Regent’s Park, the other day while down in London for the Plant Consciousness 2016 event (which was, incidentally amazing!!) and it was 5pm in the evening. It had been one of those greyish days with sunny spells interluded by showers (I got soaked to the skin 3 times that day!). I noticed that the sun was going down a little bit earlier than I have been used to for the past few months and I took a breath in and I thought “Wow, this is it isn’t it? The weather has turned, this is my first kiss from Autumn. Autumn is upon me.”

Fay in Autumn woodsRegents Park autumn kissTo hear more about this listen here otherwise read on.

So I then just really sank into that feeling and thought, “Well, how does that feel in my body?” And I noticed well, I’ve got a few more layers of clothes on than I am used to wearing and I am huddling my coat a bit more about my person. Breathing in that air through my nostrils was cooling and it was damp and it was still. And then I noticed on the ground there were brown leaves, the first orangey, rusty leaves of Autumn. Some of the trees were already shedding yet I was still surrounded by some green, I was still surrounded by bird song. It wasn’t all hunkering down for the winter just yet. But, the greenery was fading into a brown touched with rust as the light of the day was taking a bit quicker to go down. This is how autumn feels I felt to myself.

So I was wondering, have you been kissed by autumn yet?

Have you seen those autumn colours come and kiss you?

Have you noticed the low hanging sun in the sky that isn’t as warm as she has been?

Have you noticed the flight of the birds?

Have you noticed those atmospheric skies as the clouds roll in, grey, white, reflecting the sun and the last rays of the evening?

What are you noticing about the arrival of autumn?

Regents Park tree2

How does this time of year touch you?

How does it feel in your body? Does it make you come alive?

Does it sing to you with softness?

Does it make you feel slightly worried and stressed and sad for the passing of summer?

How does the arrival of Autumn touch you? How does it make you feel?

Would love to know if you have been kissed by Autumn yet and how that affects you? Let me know in the comments or Join the Facebook group Plant Spirit People here to share your experiences

Autumn river