
This meditation to help you shine is inspired by the Be the Light Events that I run locally in Peebles. For more info go here.

Since many of you are not able to come to these amazingly divine high vibe evenings then I thought you’d appreciate a meditation to help you shine your light out into the world, which is what Be the Light events help you embody.

Just like stars, we don’t need to try to shine, we are beautiful and bright in every way. However, we cover up our brightness with layers of gunk like fear, disappointment, shame, embarrassment … the list is endless so half of the time we are only being a dim version of our wonderful selves, keeping our talents, our hearts and our beautiful souls in the dark.

Imagine how bright you could shine if you really had the courage to step into your divine light?

  1. What lights you up?
  2. How do you light up others?
  3. What stops you from shining?

When you shine your light out into the world it has a domino effect encouraging and inspiring others to step up and shine too, this in turn raises the vibration of your neighbourhood and community and it all just feels better and better.

So listen below and get shining your beautiful light out into the world.

Listen below here

Or go to Sound Cloud here