
Thank you for your booking!

What to do next

  1. Book your session in my calendar here and if you can’t find a time then get in touch here
  2. Please fill out the intake form here with your intention prior to our session.
  3. Check your inbox for a zoom link inviting you to your session.
  4. Prepare for your session as detailed below.

To make the most of these healing sessions:

  • Prepare a quiet space for yourself to relax, where you will not be disturbed for the duration of the session (60 mins). You will find many ideas of how to create a sacred space in my book Plants that Speak Souls that Sing.
  • Get comfortable either seated or lying down with a cover to keep you warm and cushion to support your body.
  • Please be punctual and give yourself time to relax before the session starts.
  • Have a glass of water to drink after the session finishes.
  • Keep a notebook/journal and pen with you to note down your feelings and whatever you can remember about the experience.
  • Create space to integrate your experience before heading back into your day.

If you have come to this page by mistake then go back to the Work with me healing page to make your purchase.