Plant Spirit Medicine

Plant Spirit Medicine

There is much more to Plant Medicine than reaching for a Herbal tincture, salve, infusion or capsules from the Health Food store. By using the approach of Plant Spirit Medicine and tuning into the spirit of the plant you can receive a deeper, truly holistic and more...

Saint John’s Wort: a harvest not to be missed

For a few weeks now the little yellow stars of Saint John’s Wort have been present by the roadside and dotted all throughout our pasture. Up until now I had resisted harvesting any however, today, out walking the dogs I could resist no longer and simply had to...

Wild Roses: love them how many ways?

You’ve just got to love wild roses, I mean just the scent of them just drives me into a sweet frenzy. Not to mention the pink, they are just such a girlie pink, how can you not approach them when they are in bloom? Wild Roses are so abundant in Nova Scotia at...