Fay Johnstone Plant Spirit Healing
It wasn’t until I moved to Nova Scotia and started  running an organic flower and herb farm that I really started walking up to the raw spirit of nature.
Like many of us I have fond childhood memories of racing around the garden barefoot on summer days, climbing trees, crawling in and out of hedges, not giving it a second thought to commune with fairies at the bottom of the garden. And as I grew older, just like most adults, this nature self part of me got side-lined, reserved for weekends only, something that I would only connect with on weekend walks in the country that usually ended in a pub, or mini breaks away to paddle in the sea.

Little by little I had become disconnected from nature and my relationship with nature (or shall we say, the nature part of myself, since we are part of nature) had become alien, distant and uncertain.

I first started my re-wilding or remembering process by taking long walks in nature during lunch breaks, enjoying my small garden at every possible moment, growing my own veg and bringing plants inside my home. It wasn’t until I moved to Nova Scotia in 2010 and started running an organic flower and herb farm with my partner that I really started waking up to the raw spirit of nature.

Plant  Spirit  Healing Discovers Me
We dove right in at the deep end, up to our ears in thousands of seeds with 35 acres of scruffy fields and bush! The short spring was spent sowing as much as we could fit in to the house and our small green house, this was followed by long, hot summer days which were spent tending to the plants. We were in a rural community so I spent more time with plants than people.

I first noticed that the spirit of nature had touched me when I realised I was singing. (A lot!).

If you, like me are tone deaf you will realise the horror with which I admit this act. I was singing out loud in the fields, singing while planting, singing while harvesting, singing to the trees while walking the dog, singing to the sun as it set. You get the picture I was singing my heart out to these wonderful plants every day. Each plant seemed to have a song, the salvias for example one year were full of sadness, it was sorrowful harvesting those flowers and it took forever, I would often get weepy. Snap dragons on the other hand were always jolly and such a delight. Where did these songs come from? My heart.

Being in Heart Space, not  Head Space

We soon learnt that plants that were planted in what our minds determined as “suitable” locations, did not thrive. Take Nettles for example, we planted them in a nice shady damp spot and they simply refused to grow. So the following year, we simply asked them where they would like to be and left them to their own devices. They thrived.

By getting out of our head space and into our heart space to sow seed and transplant the seedlings we had more success, even though logically some things often did not make sense.

There were many weird and wonderful happenings with the plants, not to mention a lot of hard grind but most of all the over-riding feeling was one of joy and bliss, getting to play with these incredible beings every day. Plants would appear to me in dreams with messages and asking for attention (mostly watering).

Plant  Spirit  Communication

I started to communicate with the plants to make flower essences and herbal tinctures, guided by their direction. My relationship with nature and these plants that grew just flowed since I was living and breathing plants. Even over the winter, we often brought many plants like rosemary and white sage into the house so I wasn’t short of plants to talk to, never mind the trees outside! I also started adopting the way of a Druid through OBOD and honouring the wheel of the year, which strengthened my relationship to the seasons and the elements.

After a workshop with Elliot Cowan I started using my drum to journey with the plants to meet their spirit and making notes of everything I discovered. Plants started presenting themselves as part of my treatments and the presence of plants in some shape or form was increasing more and more.

Though I no longer run the farm, through my shamanic practice I continue to connect with nature and develop my relationship with the plants that grow around me. To learn more about my story go here

The wonderful green kingdom has much to share, having been around for billions of years and I truly believe that it’s time for their wisdom to come to light through willing beings and open hearts like us.

To experience how your relationship with nature can develop, bringing heart opening joy and healing to your soul and learn techniques that I have developed over time, join me on a workshop by going to the events page here.

It blew my mind. I never thought I plant could make me feel like that. It was totally amazing.
Particpant at Plant Spirit Magic Workshop, Glasgow

 I’d love to help  you discover the spirit of plants

Find out more about booking a one to one healing session here

Fay creates a safe and peaceful space. Her voice is the perfect invitation to relax, release and trust. I love the intensity of the drumming. I remember the potency of the intention to awaken and heal. It stays with me. I recommend this as a part of journeying home to yourself.
Rachael MacLean, True Nature Studio

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