Shamanic Reiki Intro

Take your Reiki practice to another dimension with Shamanic Techniques
A beautiful opportunity to sit in sacred circle with fellow Reiki Practitioners and learn how to introduce Shamanic tools and techniques into your Reiki practice for personal healing and growth. Plus you’ll bring an extra dimension to the hands-on Reiki healing process in treatments with others.
This course invites you to open your heart to Reiki and Shamanism and to let your intuition guide you.
You’ll learn how Reiki combines seamlessly with Shamanism, since both healing techniques are spirit led and we are the hollow bone that allows the energy and guidance to flow through us.
I see Shamanism as a natural extension and accompaniment to Reiki. I’ll share my personal experience which started with the Reiki Drum technique and has evolved to combine many other “power objects” and tools such as stones, plants, rattle and bells.
As a healer it is important that you develop your relationship with the energies and forces that flow through all things (spirit) and the more experience you gain, the more trust you will engender from your relationship with spirit and your guides. This trust engenders confidence in your healing gifts and you’ll feel closer to your authentic self and path in this world.
Reiki will be flowing throughout the workshop and as well as opportunity to feel the support from the sacred space of the circle there will be guided meditations and journeys as well as hands-on practical experience to connect with your intuition and be guided as you exchange healing with fellow participants .
We’ll cover:
- Basic introduction to Shamanism and Shamanic tools
- How Shamanism and Reiki combine
- Journeying with the Drum
- Setting up sacred space
- Working with the drum in client treatments
- Healing exchange
I had texts from everyone last night saying how great the day was and how they had really enjoyed it. I noticed that my food tasted really good and nature seemed extra colourful. I feel that I had such a big shift yesterday and let go of something really important during my turn on the treatment couch. Thanks again, for a super day.
J Hamilton, Mind and Body Works
To learn more about Shamanic Reiki check out the video below
This course is currently online.
Who is the Shamanic Reiki intro training for?
For anyone trained in Reiki (Level 2 and above) who wishes to explore Shamanic techniques and deepen their connection with spirit guides and their intuition.