
Well spring is in the air here at last so that does get me in the groove for getting outside. Who can resist a walk when the sun is trying to shine and temperatures are no longer freezing?

I’m not talking about donning your hiking gear and setting off on huge treks at the weekend, I’m talking about simple short 10-20 minute walks in the middle of your day to allow your being to relax and breathe.

There are many health aspects of walking; improves circulation, helps heart health, tones muscles, exposes you to vitamin D, helps increase energy levels – you know, all that sort of thing that is associated with light exercise.

For me however, a short walk is for my sanity!

Reiki Master Fay Johnstone walkingAre you one of those people who gets wound up into a ball of stress when under pressure and so focused on a job that you need to get done that you won’t take a break until it’s over? Well, this wound up, tight and stressy state happens to me a lot, especially when dealing with jobs I dislike such as all things computery.

The simple solution for stress reduction, creative inspiration, problem solving and increased productivity – TAKE A WALK.

Luckily I have two dogs who are desperate for my attention, so these delightful companions act as my gentle (and sometimes very annoying) reminders that it’s time to take a break and get some fresh air.

For me I find the gentle act of walking actually relaxes and energises my whole being by simply gently jiggling all my cells around and readjusting them. So that by the time my walk is over, no part of my being is actually in the same place as it was before the walk started. As a result my physical mind is realigned and I usually have a new perspective, idea, solution or flash of inspiration to take back inside with me as I resume my work. Walking helps my body become fluid and also my mind. It’s a great way for me to connect with creative flow of the universe and as a result I become more inspired and productive.

More often than not, I am walking around our farm so I find myself talking out load to myself or the universe as I attempt to voice issues and hand them over to a higher power for resolution. Not only does this make me feel better, because by voicing or talking though an issue I get it out of my head, but it also increases my enjoyment of the walk because I have usually done all my problem unloading during the first half of the walk so this means I can focus on opening up to pure enjoyment for the second half. This action of “opening up” my heart and being is the part that connects me to the divine nature of the universe and is where I receive much inspiration. I often find I start singing or communicating with plants around me. In fact taking a walk in nature is really step one on the path to discovering more about plant spirit communication but more about that on a later post.

So for now, get out there and go take a walk. Living in a city is no excuse for staying inside and remaining a stress ball. In fact, now that I live in rural Nova Scotia I actually walk so much less than when I lived in a small town in the UK. OK, so maybe talking to yourself or singing are inadvisable in an urban setting and the air might not be so fresh but the fluid action of walking will still joggle all those bits of you around that need a good shake up and do you some good.

  1. Take a break, take a walk, get outside
  2. Mentally or out load note or voice your issues or whatever is on your mind
  3. Leave these issues in the hands of the universe
  4. Open up your heart and mind to the beauty of what is around you – trees, plants, people, shops, cars… soak it all up, observe what the world outside is communicating to you.
  5. Return back inside with a fresh perspective
  6. Continue with the job you were working on before your walk….. BET you will find it easier and be more productive. Also, bet you had a good idea while you were out on your walk OR remembered something CRUCIAL.

Thanks for reading, have fun on your walks