
My journey to Reflexology or more specifically to becoming a Reflexology Practitioner is a little unconventional and will help you understand my approach.

Reflexology for Stress and Anxiety

Well, like many, my journey to Reflexology started with stress!

My journey to Reflexology first started when I was suffering from stress due to a working environment that was really wrong for me and needed to change. So I had Reflexology treatments every month to reset my stress levels. Each time I would experience a deep relaxation and what can only be described as a dream-like almost out of body experience. I was never really sure whether during the treatments I was awake or dreaming, it just felt blissful and relaxing. I didn’t really give it a lot of thought at the time, I just thought it was powerful and kind of strange that just by making a few moves on my feet the practitioner could have such a profound effect on me. Anyway, life was busy and stressful, I didn’t have time to delve into the mystery. As it happened, something had been put in motion and within 6 months I left my job that had been causing all that stress and moved countries to follow a dream.

reflexology stressReflexology: treatments with a dreamlike quality

My next experience with Reflexology was a few years later. As a Reiki Practitioner I was giving treatments to a friend and in exchange for the treatments that I gave, I was given Reflexology in return. At first I thought that it would be fun and beneficial as a “giver” to “receive”. I didn’t consider anything more than the simple effects of relaxation and the feeling of pampering that I would receive. However, my experience went way beyond that, they took me deeper and the out of body experiences that I had experienced a few years before returned. Each treatment was a unique with a dreamlike quality. Often I would receive memories from my childhood that were long buried. Memories of speaking to my great grandmother as a child as she sat on the end of my bed (she was in spirit at the time!), memories of being scared as a child and being comforted by nature spirits, memories of being bullied. These memories were buried deep and it was as if with each treatment, as I experienced the remembering I was able to release the pain and the joy and it was transformed into light. I left each treatment feeling lighter and incredibly relaxed and floaty. Each treatment also provided such sweet relief from my lower back and sciatic pain that I was really suffering from at the time. Oh and funnily enough, 6 months later I moved countries again, following yet another dream.

unicorn reflexology dream

So I couldn’t resist the calling to learn Reflexology for myself and pass on this incredible tool of transformation to my clients. I wanted others to experience not only the general feeling of relaxation and well being that Reflexology brings but also all of the weird and wonderful dreamlike experiences and emotional releases that had happened for me, opened my heart and propelled me forward.

Transformation with Reflexology

Health improvements, pain reduction and sleeplessness and joint pains banished

I wasn’t really prepared for all the hard work involved as I worked to achieve my diploma! As part of the course with the Scottish Massage School I had to treat 100 pairs of feet and 50 of those had to be detailed case studies. The experience with my wonderful case studies was yet another humble learning curve about the wonderful transformative nature of Reflexology. After receiving a series of treatments my clients were left feeling relaxed and floaty which is as I had expected but what surprised me most was that my client’s health was improving in leaps and bounds. Sleeplessness caused by pain or anxiety was not really bothering my clients anymore. Joint pains that had been inflamed and pain level 5/5 were reduced to 2/5 and only occasionally. Fluid retention had dramatically decreased, so much so that one client was overjoyed to see her ankle bones for the first time in years. Stress levels that had been 5/5 before the treatments began were reduced to 2/5 or maybe 3 on a bad day. Anxiety attacks had lessened.

moon lightReflexology helping clients shine their light

Pain and stress relief aside, what struck me most was the blossoming sense of self radiating out of my clients. Wow, for some it was like a veil had been lifted and the light of this marvelous human being was shining though on the other side. Stunned I was and I wasn’t the only one to notice. Many of my clients were complimented on the changes in themselves that were visible to others. There was just something about them that was different, happier, feeling whole, giving off a happy vibe. This is some feel good factor! I don’t think there are words for it and it’s certainly not under the text book definition of What does Reflexology do? or The Benefits of Reflexology but it really is my favourite reason for giving Reflexology – it’s like by receiving Reflexology, client’s are receiving what they need in order to shine!

So that’s my story so far. The effects of Reflexology treatments on clients continues to amaze and humble me. Contact me to experience a treatment for yourself.