
The Celtic Fire Festival of Lughnasadh or Lammas (August 1) marks the beginning of the harvest season. I always think that the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids details these festivals really well so for more information about Lughnasadh go to the OBOD site here.

It is a time to pause, reflect on, celebrate and give thanks for the fruits of our harvests. What projects are you reaping? What gifts are you now receiving as a result of your efforts? What seeds (projects) must be saved for spring next year? What fruits need to be conserved for the winter ahead?

Fay Johnstone plant healerA time for Reflection

Reflect on this time of abundance and give thanks to the spirit in all things. Recognizing this energetic shift from outward expansiveness to a more inward focus will help you prepare your energies for the winter ahead.

Corn is the plant most traditionally associated with this time of year and Oak is also a powerful tree to work with now.

This Plant Prayer below is taken from Carole Guyett’s book “Sacred Plant Initiations”. It’s not necessarily a Plant Prayer for Lughnasadh but it’s appropriate and I like it! Use it any time and every time!


I arise today with my heart full of gratitude

I give thanks to you, Sacred Beings of the Plant world

Thanks for your Beauty and Generosity

Thanks for your Healing and Strength

Thanks for your Inspiration and Guidance

Thanks for your Love.

May I be guided by the power of Spirit to do your work.

Spirit, be in my hands, my heart, my mind!

Let thy will be my will.

Blessed Be!


Innerleithen, Scottish BordersEnjoy connecting with the beauty of nature that surrounds you. Make the most of these final days of summer because like it or not the days are getting shorter and winter is coming… Sorry if that sounded a bit Game of Thronesy but it’s true. We can’t fight it!

May you reap the blessings of Lughnasadah