
It’s right about that time of the year where things are just about to go a little more nuts, that’s if they haven’t already. I’m not just referring to Sunday’s full moon, you know exactly what I am talking about. Whether you celebrate Solstice, Christmas or something else. This time of year, as well as being cold and short on daylight, usually consists of family get-togethers, late nights, over indulgence, a jam packed schedule as you desperately try to see everyone that you haven’t seen all year and finish projects together with frantic gift making or buying for people who you sometimes don’t really know at all. It’s no wonder that most of us miss the essence of all the meaning behind the celebrations.

To help you through this time of year which can be an emotional roller coaster and leave you physically drained, I would like to send you a Reiki Christmas Hug. Here’s a Reiki Healing Meditation that I channeled from my heart and with the help of all the compassionate guides who I work with. Take some time out for you to receive this healing (it’s 18 minutes), you may like to play some gentle music at the same time as it’s my voice talking. Send out your prayers to the invisible realms who are always listening. Even if it’s just for help with the little things like inspiration about what to buy your Mother-in-Law or what to cook for a special supper. Listen as many times as you like, whenever you feel the need for extra support, guidance and love. Hold the vision of a December that is perfect for you and your dreams for the world.

Wishing you peace, joy, love, light and abundance for the festive season and beyond.