Meditation to help you SHINE

Meditation to help you SHINE

This meditation to help you shine is inspired by the Be the Light Events that I run locally in Peebles. For more info go here. Since many of you are not able to come to these amazingly divine high vibe evenings then I thought you'd appreciate a meditation to help you...

Need sanctuary? Get growing flowers and herbs

Need sanctuary? Get growing flowers and herbs

Felt inspired in the garden this week to rally you all into flexing your green fingers to grow flowers and herbs to create sanctuary for your soul. No time for excuses, even in the smallest of spaces inside at home you can grow pots of herbs or gorgeous house plants....

Be Your own Best Friend

Be Your own Best Friend

Lately I've been saying the same thing over and over again to my clients who are in need of TLC and nurture. "You've got to be your own best friend". Well, it's true but it isn't easy. How often do we reach out to others: our partners, friends, parents, children or...

Self Care for a Broken Heart

Self Care for a Broken Heart

This week I said good bye to Eddie, my beloved little dog, my faithful friend for the last 7 years. He was with us for every step of our Oliver Farm years and flew across the Atlantic to join us for our Scottish adventure. Sadly we had to say good bye. If you've ever...

Reiki Meditation to strengthen your energy

Reiki Meditation to strengthen your energy

Reiki and Meditation have gone hand in hand for me since I first began my Reiki journey in 2000. Meditation has become a natural and effortless part of my daily personal Reiki practice. Every time I pause to meditate I catch a glimpse of the magic that is in the...

Spring to life – like now!

Spring to life – like now!

How to Use Spring Energy to bring your projects, ideas and dreams to life It's easy to recognise the very visual signs of spring around us that appear in the Northern Hemisphere at this time of year. In nature, what is emerging with the spring is green and bright and...

3 Ways to feel supported by the greatest force of all

3 Ways to feel supported by the greatest force of all

How would you love to feel supported by the greatest force of all? Feel like you were held by something so much larger than you, that had a sense of the "Master Plan", that helped you to feel nurtured and loved, like a child that is part of an enormous family? Read on...

Time for a spiritual spring clean

Time for a spiritual spring clean

We are emerging from the winter and certainly in Scotland there are lovely bright green buds on the trees around me ready to burst out into the world. I can't wait to get outside into the garden to plant some real seeds and get my hands in the dirt. But before I leap...

Radiate Peace with this meditation

Radiate Peace with this meditation

Hi just in case you are having a particularly stressful week, try this short 10 minute recording to help you radiate peace with this meditation. Hope you enjoy it. Make sure you are on my mailing list to receive others like this and follow me on Sound Cloud....

Why playing small is such a BIG deal

Why playing small is such a BIG deal

Playing small is something I struggle with and I also notice it occurring with my clients. It's not just a female thing, though as women we seem particularly good at playing small. It's not just a British thing, though I must admit, it does feel particularly common...

Tired of feeling overwhelmed?

Tired of feeling overwhelmed?

We've only just reached the end of January, so how is the green juicing, sugar-free, fit new you going? If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the long list of things on your to-do list (even those which you know are good for you) then I know I have...

How to do your own oracle card reading for guidance for the year

How to do your own oracle card reading for guidance for the year

Welcome to 2017. Now that you are over the indulgence of the holidays, are you feeling all fired up and ready for the year ahead? Are you feeling uplifted by the vibrant energy of excitement and hope, are you still singing the mantra of "this is going to be my...