
How might your life have been different if there had been a place for you … a place of women, where you were received and affirmed? A place where other women, perhaps somewhat older, had been affirmed before you, each in her time, affirmed, as she struggled to become more truly herself.—Judith Duerk, Circle of Stones

Ever since I began my healing path, nearly 20 years ago, I have been sitting in circle, often mixed genders but increasingly these circles have become predominantly and uniquely circles of women. If you have experienced a similar journey to me, of gatherings like meditation groups, Reiki shares, Shamanic Drumming circles, retreats or Women’s Empowerment Groups then you will have an idea of the magical fruits that a circle of women can yield. However,  for those of you are just discovering your spirituality and exploring your own path of personal healing and transformation I thought you might like to hear briefly what to expect from a sacred circle of women or men or whoever!

To begin with, let’s clarify, I’m not talking about a knitting group, a stitch and bitch, a yummy mummy meet up in Costa, a girl’s night of wine and chocolate or even a book club. No, all these other meet ups with other like minded women to share and compare, bitch, cry, laugh, flirt, moan, indulge or discuss, are brilliant in their own right but these are not the focus of this post. I’m referring to a sacred container, a safe and protected space, facilitated, held and made magical and incredibly powerful by the very women who are present.

Attending a Sacred Circle for Women might take place on or around a New Moon, traditionally a time associated with introspection and going within to seek answers. It may have a theme like Honouring the Divine Feminine, Self-nurture or relaxation for example or it may just simply be a circle of like-minded women that develops an energy of its own.

Creating the Container

When you come to sit in circle you will most likely find that the facilitator has prepared the area in a sacred and intentional way. This may include lighting candles, creating an altar like area in the middle of the circle, smudging using sage or palo santo for example or burning essential oils. This is intended to clear the space of any residual or stagnant energy which may have accumulated in the room prior to your gathering.

I always like to begin by holding hands with everyone gathered together so we can connect and feel into who is present in the space. With our feet firmly planted on the ground we can root ourselves into Mother Earth for support, strength and nourishment, really grounding ourselves and “landing” in the circle. In this way I also may drum or rattle calling in angels, spirit guides, the directions and other beings of light to support and protect our healing work.

So what happens in a Sacred Circle of Women?

Well of course you can just sit around, drink tea and eat cake, but usually there will be some activities to help you go deeper into your heart space. During my circles, we each hold a clear intention for the circle, this may be simple like intending to simply be held in a peaceful supportive space or it can be more demanding. Relaxation, gentle stretching, maybe even dancing, meditation, visualisation, story telling, healing, oracle card reading, drumming sound journeys, creative writing, movement, journalling, massage… you name it, all of this can take place in circle. By turning up and becoming part of the circle, it belongs to you and you help to create it. There’s bound to be laughter, tears, hugs, tea and cake! (someone always gets so relaxed that they fall asleep!)

sacred rose blossom Sitting in circle takes us outside of our ordinary lives and demands our presence and authenticity. In circle there is no speaking all at once. In circle you speak when it is your turn, when you are holding the sacred stone, talking stick, feather, rattle or whatever is being passed around the circle that day. When someone is speaking you hear her. Not only do you hear the words being said but more often than not, as the stone is passed around the circle themes will emerge and start resonating with you, awakening emotions you may have suppressed or words that you couldn’t quite have voiced in that way but yet speak to your truth and personal experience. Since no one else talks or butts in when you speak, you get to really speak, you courageously have the opportunity to voice your feelings – should you wish to.

What if I don’t want to speak or share?

There’s no pressure in a sacred circle of women. If you find yourself dreading the approaching speaking stone coming your way and as it is handed to you, you grasp hold of it and freeze, your body tensing willing you to escape from the room, then no problem. Breathe and simply be, and pass the stone on.

Of course, you have a choice – to go deep or stay shallow… Are you going to dive in to your deepest truths or stay paddling in the shallows?

In circle if you are in pain and need support, the circle asks you what you need. Most often our need is to be heard, to be supported and given space. A circle doesn’t fix things, you can’t dump all your issues and wave the magic wand. What a sacred circle of women does is provide you with the space to be seen and heard, held and supported as you touch and experience your truth in that moment.

Giving thanks

I usually like to end the evening and close the space by sending prayers to those who need them and giving thanks for all that we have experienced and received during the circle. This is an opportunity for everyone to show their gratitude and radiate blessings across the world. We always need to make sure that we are fully grounded and “back” in the real world before we close the space, leaving all that we have seen and heard in the sacred container, ready to step out into our everyday lives again. Most participants feel refreshed, relaxed, ready for bed!, comforted and nurtured after attending a circle. You may also feel reflective and introspective as you leave if the meditation has stirred up a longing or buried emotion within you. As with all healing work, you are advised to treat yourself with love and care after coming to a circle. Be your own best friend and radiate your shining light as bright as you can.

girl healing in lightWhy come to a Sacred Circle of Women?

Some reasons that you might chose to gather in circle are:

  • for stress-relief and relaxation
  • to enjoy meditation and guided visualisation
  • to connect with other like-minded women in a non-competitive environment
  • to listen to your intuition and receive guidance
  • to feel nurtured, supported, heard and honoured by women like yourself
  • to connect with angels and spirit guides and honour the magic of life
  • to escape your role as Mum, Daughter or Partner and simply be yourself
  • to experience a safe place where you can drop your brave facade and feel into your truth
  • to remember your hearts desires and make goals

If you would like to feel honoured, supported and nurtured by a group of like-minded women then please join one of my events Heart Space here or start your own in your community!

Also check out Women Within International – It is a fantastic organisation across UK, Europe and the US for empowering women and helping you discover the beauty of who you are!