
This period between the Christmas hols and new year always feels like a special time to rest and recalibrate. It’s the season to gather inspiration, new focus and energy for the year ahead. There’s no better time to ask for guidance and support from the natural world that surrounds us. Make this a ritual to inspire your year ahead. Try this one simple prayer for guidance from the natural world.

Breathe with Intention

I recommend taking time to step outside and breathe. Breathe into the space that is you, filling yourself up with fresh air, new beginnings and opportunities. Pause and then breathe out into the space that exists around you. Breathe into that magical something else that forms the energies, objects, people and circumstances around you.

Feel into the Invisible

Allow nature to call to you and find a tree, a plant, a rock, a place or maybe even the wind or the sunshine. Take a moment to tune in and connect with what has called to you. Feel into the invisible, allow your imagination to create a story and open to the guidance that is there for you.

Ask this one simple prayer for guidance from the natural world:

“May I feel loved and supported throughout 2020. May I feel surrounded by beauty, by hope and inspiration. May I be guided to step into the truth of who I am and overcome any obstacles” Blessed be.

Our beautiful world is always witnessing us as we laugh, struggle, love and cry. Make this year the year that you let the wisdom in and allow the love, the light and the knowing that is you to come through.

If you would like further guidance and clarity for the year ahead, or simply wish to feel more supported by the spirit of nature – book a reading with Fay here.

Blessings  for  you  and all your  new  adventures

in  the  new  decade  to  come!