The shamanic journey takes us into an expanded state of consciousness to access other dimensions and receive guidance, information and healing. Shamanic journeys are a key technique of Western Shamanism and are usually undertaken using the repetitive beat or sound of...
Something special happens when you pick up a drum and start to strike out a beat. The ancient rhythm seems to touch your heart and shake the very foundations of your soul. It’s like discovering the rhythm of the universe and coming home. I first picked up a hand...
Since the release of the book Plants that Speak Souls that Sing the direction of my work has become more focused (and a lot busier)so here’s an update on how to work with me. Start with the Book The book is the best place to start and you will find a free...
Entering into the final stage of my three year shamanic practitioner training in Creative Shamanism with the School for Creative Shamanism, I’ve realised that the Shamanic techniques and practices that I have studiously learned are really only a tiny part of the...
On this week’s video I’m talking about two of my most favourite things: Reiki and Shamanism and how I combine Reiki with my Shamanic work to create powerful, interactive and transformative experiences for clients. You will discover: What is Reiki and what...