Beltaine Blessings and Shamanic Drumming
Beltaine is here and it's time to celebrate life in all its abundance. May is my favourite month of the year. I've always celebrated May Day (May 1st) - something to do with being taught May pole dancing each year at my first school and the fact that one year I was...
Find your centre with Earth alignment and wisdom
Looking to the Earth for wisdom and support is my go to action whenever I am feeling off-centre or out of balance. I have recently returned from a whirlwind, extremely last minute trip to Japan which was not planned and as I returned to my home in Scotland, back to...
Harmony after Hibernation
Welcome to spring (if you are in the northern hemisphere!) - I can feel those daffodils cheering! Spring Ritual and Meditation to create harmony after hibernation To help you bring balance and harmony into your life by working with the natural energies at this time of...
Beat the February Blues with Imbolc Blessings
The wheel of the year has turned - which means we've reached the celtic fire festival of Imbolc. Spring, led by the snow drops and catkins is pushing its way through bringing with it a heap of potentiality, hope and abundance for us to embrace. There is a beautiful...
New Year, More Vision
Happy New Year to you all! I truly believe that 2019 can be the most amazing year of whatever each one of us strives to envision and create. What do you believe is possible for yourself this year? New Year, More Vision This time of year, is front loaded with pure...
Reiki Starlight Healing Meditation
Here's a Reiki charged meditation to help you feel re-vitalised and supported as the nights draw in, energy levels dip, waist lines expand and bank balances often plummet. This Reiki starlight healing meditation is my gift to help you through this time of year and...
How to start connecting with Fairy Folk and Nature Spirits
I've been getting a few questions about Fairies recently and the excited magical energy of the Fairy folk has been following me around nudging me more and more so finally I give in. Here's a clip from my recent Q&A class from the Plants that Speak Online course...
Healing, Magic and Mystery from Yew
I'm so lucky to be able to hang out with ancient Yew trees here in Scotland for healing, magic and mystery from Yew. This mysterious tree is a plant spirit guide that I love to work with especially for connecting to the other worlds and helping spirits pass on. (known...
Candles and ceremony for the Ancestors
It's that time of year again! In the northern hemisphere we are moving into the darker months. This week whether you will be celebrating Samhain (the end of the Celtic year), Day of the Dead or trying to navigate through the sugar trick or treat fest that Halloween...
Your plant spirit path starts today
In today's fast paced world which is high on screen time and low on time spent in the great outdoors, many of us feel disconnected or like we just don't know how to ground, reconnect and relate to the natural world around us. But yet we yearn to, it's as if we carry a...
Restore balance and harmony with the autumn equinox
As the autumn winds blow through there's no escaping the passing of summer as the season turns once again. This weekend sees the autumn equinox for us in the northern hemisphere, after which our days will be getting shorter and the nights cooler as the winter sets...
How to work with me update Since the release of the book Plants that Speak Souls that Sing the direction of my work has become more focused (and a lot busier)so here's an update on how to work with me. Start with the Book The book is the best place to start and you...